dinsdag 9 november 2010

Kinect system that could revolutionise gaming launched by Microsoft

Could you imagine playing a video game without hand controllers? Microsoft revolutionises the world of video games by launching the Kinect System. This Computer system can recognize gestures and body movements, made by players. 

Microsoft is the multinational corporation that is well known for its computer software such as Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office, but also for others products like the Windows Phone. Nowadays, it shows a lot of interest for the entertainment industry. After introducing the XBox, it's now time for a new dimension. Microsoft knew a hard time facing the popularity of Nintendo's Wii, but heads now to a topyear with its newest invention in the video games industry.

Critics are very excited concerning the system, but there's one little practical problem: it is recommended that players are six to eight feet removed from the television, so they need a lot of space. Does everyone have a large livingroom?
People who are interested will have to be fast, because retail and pre-orders are going up quickly.

Laura Christiaens

source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/nov/08/kinect-system-launched-microsoft

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